On-Demand Oral Presentation
(Pre-Recorded) - Guidelines

On-Demand Pre-recording Upload opens: 1 March 2024
Deadline to Upload: 30 April 2024

“On-demand” presenters are asked to pre-record their presentation including slide and presenter view in advance of the congress.  Please note that the presenter does not have a presentation time as their pre-recorded presentation will be available throughout the congress open hours in the On-Demand Library. 

The On-Demand Library upload system will be available from 1 March 2024. Prior to that date you will receive an email containing a personal link for your upload.  Please note you will not receive this email unless you have confirmed your participation by 31 January 2024.

Please note the following instructions:

-   All On-Demand Oral Presenters are required to upload their video presentation prior to the congress.  All videos
    must be uploaded no later than 30 April 2024, where they will be checked to ensure quality in the Library.  Should
    there be any queries regarding your recording, the technicians will contact you directly.
-   On-demand presenters have been allocated 10 minutes for their presentation.
-   The file should be no larger than 16mb.
-   On your presentation introduction, you are required to disclose all financial interests within the past 12 months
    preceding this congress.  If you do not have a template, click here to download a disclosure template for inclusion in
    your presentation.
-   If you have nothing to disclose, you still need to include a disclosure statement.  Please include on your first slide
     introduction, “I, (insert name) DO NOT have a financial interest /arrangement or affiliation with one or more
     organisations which could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this
-   You can pre-record your presentation with any recording tool of your preference.

Tutorials that may assist with are listed below.
-   Using PowerPoint: Click Here
-   Using Zoom: Click Here
-   File Format: Video format must be MP4
-   DO NOT EXCEED 10 minutes recording duration. The platform cannot upload MP4 files which exceed the
    maximum time. This includes videos that exceed the time duration by only a few seconds.
-   Deadline to upload your presentation is 30 April 2024.

-    Create a short, practice video first so you can see how the recording works.
-    Close other applications during your recording in order to be able to use the full bandwidth.
-    Close all applications which might use your webcam or microphone in the background (Skype, Microsoft Teams,
     Cisco Webex, …).
-    Place the webcam at eye level (or slightly above) in order to avoid weird camera angles.  Use a stand or stack of
     books if you are using a laptop camera.
-    Make sure you are in a well-lit area and check the background. It's best to keep it neutral.
-    Phone and computer microphones pick up background sounds such as appliances, TVs, pets, traffic and other
     noises.  Mute other devices, such as mobile phones etc. in your room, in order to minimize background noises.
-    Check your video before uploading it on the platform.


Please be aware that the information and materials displayed and/or presented at all session of this congress are the property of IHPBA 2024 and/or the presenter and cannot be photographed, copied, photocopied, transformed to electronic format, reproduced or distributed without the written permission of IHPBA 2024 and/or the presenter.

IHPBA 2024 reserves the one-time copyright for publication of materials provided for inclusion in the proceedings for the congress, which includes audio visual recordings containing presentation materials such as PowerPoint slides.  Presenters are encouraged to include copyright notices as appropriate on all materials submitted and presented at IHPBA 2024.

Presenters should ensure that their contributions contain no matter that is defamatory or is otherwise unlawful or invades individual privacy or infringes on any proprietary rights or statutory copyright.  The presenter agrees that they have received any third part permissions for materials submitted and presented.  IHPBA 2024 and its agents and representatives take no responsibility should the matter presented or provided for publication be determined to defame, libel or slander and individual or organisation, violate the confidentiality of any individual or organisation, or infringe on another’s copyright.

In the event that attendees record and/or stream audio and video, IHPBA 2024 and its agents are not responsible for such capture or for any subsequent use or post of such capture.

For further assistance please contact: ihpba.abstracts@abstractserver.com